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The Tracks. Click on a city to see the track. Show / Hide
Day From To Km
13 Predario Chiappa 0
12 Predario Tosca 39
10 Predario Passo Santa Donna 26
9 Parma Predario 72
8 Mantova Parma 86
7 Ferrara Mantova 130
6 Alfonsine Ferrara 60
5 Riolo Terme Alfonsine 87
4 Casal Borsetti Riolo Terme 84
3 Mesola Casal Borsetti 88
2 Chioggia Mesola 130
1 Venetie Chioggia 75
The Cities, click or hoover them. Show / Hide
Amsterdam Chioggia Casal Borsetti Alfonsine Mantova Predario
Venetie Mesola Riolo Terme Ferrara Parma